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Buy $WSI and be part of the biggest revolution in the history of Big Data
Total Supply
Circulating Supply
Public SaleStage
$0Price per $WSI
Balance: 0
Note: Trading will be done directly using the PancakeSwap Router.
% Slippage
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Networks by WeSendit


How do I setup a software wallet (Metamask, Trustwallet, etc.)?
How do I buy $WSI token using a smartphone or tablet?
Where can I find the Smart Contract?
Has the Smart Contract a security audit?
Are the Tokens I have bought in the Private or Presale subject to vesting?
How do I get my purchased $WSI from the Private - and Presale to my Wallet?
What is made with the money from the funding rounds?
Does the team and the seed investors also have a vesting?
How can I buy tokens with $WSI via pancakeswap?